Monday, April 06, 2009

Training in Vernonia

Saturday was a great race. While others planned their weekend around that wimpier race, the Race for the Roses on Sunday, those who knew better enjoyed the ORRC Vernonia Half Marathon in Vernonia on Saturday. And, of course there were those strong enough to do both.

My main concern was building up those long runs before my marathon in Eugene. With such a terrible winter, will I have enough time to pull off a Personal Record in one month? Possibly. Do I need a Personal Record in Eugene to run a Personal Record on Mt Hood in 2010? Probably not, but it wouldnt' hurt.

I took photos of runners for the newsletter as they ran by, having completed the two and half mile loop around the lake, and then jumped in and joined them, interviewed them and taking more photos as we ran along. When I reached the end of the race at Stub Stewart Park, I chatted with a few participants, took a few more photos, and then ran back for a nice 21-mile training run. The weather was perfect.


Unknown said...

how'd it go?

Bryan said...

Yeah, it went grand. It wasn't a steady pace, just darting here an there around the racers, but I was able to make a nice out-and-back out of it.